Whipped Coffee

Whipped Coffee or Dalgona Coffee Recipe
Yields: 4 Servings Difficulty: Easy Prep Time: 10 Mins

Whipped coffee or Dalgona coffee is super popular these days. Everybody requesting the recipe and how to make this fantastic frothy coffee. And if you are a coffee lover like I am, you will love this. It’s super easy and has few ingredients, and all you need is a bowl, hand mixer, and instant coffee. You can wipe this with hand, but it will take forever. So let’s get to the ingredient and make this together.


0/5 Ingredients
Adjust Servings


0/2 Instructions
  • In a small bowl, add the water, coffee, sugar, vanilla (optional), using a hand mixer, whip until the mixture develops of a thick, voluminous caramel consistency.
  • Dollop 2-3 scoops on top of the milk, and serve. Enjoy!